The first draft of this post was scribbled at 3 AM when I couldn't fall asleep. (Long story. Or boring story, really.) I soon discovered, to my chagrin, that while my eyes wouldn't close, my brain was not functioning with its usual (ha!) keenness.
Good news is, I've been sleeping better! And hopefully this post won't read as inanely as the words on this paper next to me. (I can barely read my handwriting, to be honest.)
Okay, convoluted opening over, let's get to the reason I'm here: to talk about Mariee Sioux.
Or more specifically, her album Faces in the Rocks. It came out in 2007, and I used to listen to it around 2008, I think. But that was the time when I was discovering a lot of new and wonderful music... and I lost touch with Mariee Sioux's music.
I went to look up Faces in the Rocks a year or two ago and discovered, annoyingly enough, it was unavailable. There was a reason for this. A reason I knew. But right now I can find no information on what happened. It's eerily like it never happened. (This is quite perturbing.) But something happened with the label, I think, and she no longer owned the rights to the songs? I have no idea anymore. All I know is, I was not able to buy this album until this past year.
Though predominately labeled simply a folk album, the Native American influence of Faces in the Rocks is so apparent, it seems to be putting it lightly to say it was merely influenced by that culture. This album is imbued with it. The most enchanting part of this is the Native American flute that haunts the album. (I don't know if there's a more specific name for it. I'm just going off of what wikipedia is telling me.) Which is why I'm posting the opening song of the album 'Wizard Flurry Home'. I think it features the flute the most. Also it's the song I remember with the most clarity from when I listened to this album so many years ago.
(C'est tout pour maintenant. I hope to be less absent on this blog from here on out. I've missed it!)