Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Midsummer Night's Dream

Foolishly, I thought that summertime would mean I would have more free time. Boy, was I wrong! Well, the weekdays aren't so bad... but on the weekends it has been non-stop business and socializing! Which is quite unsettling to a recluse like me. :P
Anyhow, tonight I am posting the song 'Midsummer Night's Dream' by Noe Venable because today, June 23, is Midsummer's Eve!

Though really, this song isn't about summer's solstice &c. It also has nothing to do with the Shakespearean play of the same name. {Which actually, was the first Shakespeare play I read, aged 11. By the time I was 14 I had read the "Complete Works" .... I am told this is not normal. *shrug*}
I wasn't sure if I liked this song the first time I heard it... with her opening half-whispered, half-sung vocals and those two girls conversing in the middle of the song. But it was different! And different is {usually} good, I have come to realize... in a world where popular music runs together in a mass of inane lyrics and hypnotic beats. So, as it often turns out, I ended up loving this song. Noe Venable is an artist I am eager to hear more from as well!



  1. She's amazing. That whole album is a work of art

  2. She is! I was hoping to buy one of her albums soon, I was thinking either "The World is Bound by Secret Knots" or "Summer Storm Journals". :)

  3. "different is {usually} good, I have come to realize... in a world where popular music runs together in a mass of inane lyrics and hypnotic beats."

    Couldn't have said it better myself, as long as the artist is just being himself or herself, and not "trying" to be different.

  4. Yeah, cause then that's just kinda lame....


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