Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Quel Mal y a-t-Il À Ça?

Today I pretended to do my French while in actuality I was making my blog header! Yes I'm a wicked, wayward child... ;)
But I am rather proud of my header. It's not gorgeous or professional looking, but it looks better than I though it would! :)
So, in honour of my uncompleted French homework I am posting Françoise Hardy's "Quel Mal y a-t-Il À Ça?"


...Now if you'll excuse me, I have some homework to do. :P


  1. It's better than my header. And this song reminds me of beach music.

    Also, I was reading your profile and saw that you write, but are afraid (embarrassed?) to show other people your writings. That's fine. You shouldn't show anyone anything until you're ready. I also hope that you keep a diary (offline), so that you have a way of writing to yourself about your life, your thoughts, and your ideas without having to worry that someone else will read what you've written and judge you on it.

  2. Thanks! Beach music? Haha... :)

    Yes, tis true. I think embarrassment does play a big factor.
    And I do have places offline where I write frequently. And actually, I got a typewriter the other week and I've been writing letters on it to a fictional person. (Which is a little odd, I guess...) But I'm thinking about making a blog that contain these letters. Cause they're just my short ramblings on every day life. Which I don't mind sharing as much as I would sharing a story or poem I wrote. Thank you for the encouragement! :)


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... but they're not mandatory. :)